Menu: Tools -> Check Accessibility
Command: Tools.CheckAccessibility
Versions: 2008,2010
Published: 12/17/2010
Code: vstipProj0028
According to the documentation:
"Accessibility standards enable you to build Web pages that can be used by people who have disabilities. [You can] configure ASP.NET Web server controls to make sure that they generate accessible HTML."
It is desirable to make your websites accessible to people with disabilities and, in some cases, it's required. Did you know you can easily check to see if a page meets accessibility requirements by doing a RIGHT CLICK on any page and choosing "Check Accessibility":
This will give you the Accessibility Validation dialog box:
Here are what the options mean:
Check For
WCAG Priority 1 & 2 - checks to see compliance with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (
Access Board Section 508 - checks accessibility by using the standards that were defined by the United States government in Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act, which are based on the WCAG (
Errors & Warnings - shows relevant items that violate the rules selected in the "Check For" section:
Manual checklist - generates informational messages that can be used as guides while the Errors and Warnings are addressed:
Nichole Robinson Monet Mazur Rozonda Thomas Rachel Weisz Miranda Kerr
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